Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Being a bereaved parent is a very lonely experience. When you are new to grief, it feels as if you are the only person this has ever happened to. You feel as if no one else in the world has lost a child.  Usually, people come out of the wood work and share their own stories of loss and you begin to see, you are not alone. Sadly, many others have lost children too. Why is it that no one speaks of these losses? Our society doesn't take well to the loss of children. The whole idea that a tiny innocent child can pass on, is too much for many to think about. They encourage those grieving to keep it private. Others are just so insensitive, a grief stricken parent cannot bear to hear the hurtful things they might say, so they remain silent. Allowing yourself to remain isolated allows the sadness to overwhelm you. It pulls you down to a hopeless place, none of our children would ever want us to be. As a parent new to grief, you just don't realize there are others out there who know the depth of your pain. Grieving the loss of your child is a very difficult thing to do. The pain is debilitating. However, if you can find other grieving parents, you can realize all your feeling are normal. Grief has no end point. The only solice, is if you allow yourself to grieve, you can find a peaceful place.  Peace is a wonderful thing, it allows you to think of your child with a smile rather than a tear. Peace allows you to do things to honor yourself and your child. Peace can give you the courage to continue living your life, even though your child cannot.

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